The main objective of this virtual International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies (RIACT 2023) is to provide a virtual platform to researchers and practitioners from both academic institutions and industries to meet and share cutting-edge developments in the areas of Robotics, Automation and associated disciplines. This virtual conference also provides an opportunity to exchange research evidence and innovative ideas. RIACT 2023 will include presentations on the latest research on Artificial Intelligence, Nano-robots, Swarm robotics, Image and Speech processing, Underwater robotics, Agricultural robots, Aerial robotics and Military robotics. This conference will gather an excellent group of plenary speakers from around the globe on different topics in the robotics and automation domains. We invite you to join RIACT 2023, where you are sure to have a meaningful participation with scholars and academicians from around the world. Agriculture is the backbone of India.
InterestedOur Timetable
SEP 23, 2023
AUG 23, 2023
AUG 30, 2023
SEP 5, 2023
SEP 12, 2023
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